Maandazi mit 2¼ tsp dry yeast und ½ cup warm water Rezept durch ladonll
Folgendes ist Maandazi mit 2¼ tsp dry yeast und ½ cup warm water Rezept. Dieses leckere Rezept wird von ladonll geschrieben und kann für 2 Portionen serviert werden.

Maandazi mit 2¼ tsp dry yeast und ½ cup warm water Rezept
Zutaten für 2 Personen
2¼ tsp dry yeast | |
½ cup warm water | |
1 tsp sugar | |
1 tsp ground Cardamon | |
3 cups all purpose flour | |
2-4 tbsp extra sugar | |
¾ cups coconut milk | |
1 tbsp oil (optional) | |
oil for deep frying |
ZUBEREITUNG Maandazi mit 2¼ tsp dry yeast und ½ cup warm water Rezept
- PreparationsDissolve 1 tsp sugar in ½ cup warm water. Then, dissolve yeast in the same mixture. Cover with a plastic wrap until the yeast rises.Add into mixture the remaining sugar, oil, cardamon and ½ cup of coconut milk.In a bowl, mix flour into yeast mixture. If the dough is too hard to handle, add the remaining coconut milk, about a tbsp at a time.If it is too soft, add flour a little bit at a time.On a flat floured surface, continue to knead the dough for 10 minutes until it becomes elastic. Move the dough to a clean lightly oiled bowl, cover with a clean cloth and let it risenOnce it has doudled in size, knead the dough for an additional 2 minutes.With a rolling pin, roll the dough to about 1/2 cm thin. Use a round cookie cutter or a similar utensil to cut the dough into regular shapes.Deep fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.Serve at room temperature or warm in microwave for 10 seconds.
Maandazi mit 2¼ tsp dry yeast und ½ cup warm water Rezept - Rezeptinformationen
Schwierigkeitsgrad | mittel |
Zubereitungszeit | |
Preiskategorie | € € € |
veröffentlicht am | 30.04.2012 |
Angaben pro 100 g | |
kJ (kcal) | - |
Eiweiß | - |
Kohlenhydrate | - |
Fett | - |
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